Roguish Gambits v0.6.4 #

These cunning moves are fast acting and share a few properties.

Using Gambits #

Gambit Points & Size #

Edge Cases #

Terminology Legend: #

Size:     The number of Gambit Points a Gambit requires to be prepared.
Slots:    The restrictions on what dice may be used with the Gambit.
	Any:       Any die (a roll of 1 to 6) may be used with the Gambit.
	Min:       This represents the largest roll of a die that may be used with the Gambit.
	Max:       This represents the smallest roll of a die that may be used with a Gambit.
	Even:      Only even values may be used with this Gambit (rolls of 2, 4, or 6)
	Odd:       Only odd values may be used with this Gambit (rolls of 1, 3, or 5)
	Countdown: You must use reduce the Countdown Value to 0 to activate this Gambit.
	Requires:  Only the stated value may be used with this Gambit.
	Multi:     This Gambit has a number of slots equal to the value following the tag.
	Doubles:   Used dice values must match other Slots.
	Lock:      Require a die of a specified value to be unlocked, Slots then becomes "Any" for the rest of combat.
Category: The type or source of the Gambit.
	Simple:    Available with 1st Level "Roguish Gambits" Rogue Feature.
	Cunning:   Available with 5th Level "Cunning Strikes" Rogue Feature.
	Devious:   Available with 10th Level "Devious Strikes" Rogue Feature.
	Fatal:     Available with 16th Level "Fatal Strikes" Rogue Feature.
	Scoundrel: This means that the Gambit is sourced from a Scoundrel Specialization.
Repeats:  The number of additional times a Gambit may be used in a single turn.
	N/A:       This Gambit cannot gain repeats.
	None:      This Gambit may only be used once per turn.
	One:       This Gambit may be used twice per turn. 
	(And so on)
Effect:   What the Gambit does when all its Slots are filled with applicable dice.
	Return:    Returns the used die with the Value used.
	■:         Refers to the Value of the die used with the Gambit.
Upgrade:  What the benefit of placing the Gambit in an Upgraded Gambit Slot will be.

Simple Gambits #

These Gambits are available with the 1st Level “Roguish Gambits” Rogue Feature. #

Name Size Slots Repeats Effect Upgrade
Conceal Two Max 2 One Add ■ Damage to your Vital Strike, and decrease a Countdown by ■. Size: Two -> One
Duplicate Two Max 4 None Returns the die used with this Gambit, and an additional die of the same value. Slots: Max 4 -> Normal
Reroll Two Any Two Returns the die used with this Gambit, then reroll it. Repeats: Two -> Four
Split One Any None Splits the die in half, granting you two dice representing the whole value (e.g. a 5 becomes a 2 and a 3). Repeats: None -> Two
Strike One Countdown 10 None Add 8 Damage to your Vital Strike this turn. Slots: Countdown 10 -> Countdown 6

Cunning Gambits #

These Gambits are available with the 5th Level “Cunning Strikes” Rogue Feature. #

Name Size Slots Repeats Effect Upgrade
Boost One Max 3 None Returns the used die with double the value. Slots: Max 3 -> Max 5
Disarm Two Odd None The Target must immeditely succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw or drop an item of your choice that they are holding. Repeats: None -> One
Double Up Two Countdown 8 None The next Gambit Effect occurs an additional time. Size: Two -> One
Haste One Odd None Reduce the Countdowns on all Gambits by ■. Slots: Odd -> Normal
Mince One Min 2 None Splits the die used with this gambit into 1s. Repeats: None -> Two
Skirmish One Requires 6 None Allows you to move up to your Speed without provoking Attacks of Opportunity. Slots: Requires 6 -> Min 3
Trip Two Even N/A Adds an effect to the Vital Strike, the Target must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw or be knocked Prone. Slots: Even -> Min 2

Devious Gambits #

These Gambits are available with the 10th Level “Devious Strikes” Rogue Feature. #

Name Size Slots Repeats Effect Upgrades
Brilliant Spark Two Countdown 24 None All Gambits except this one gain 2 repeats this turn. Slots: Countdown 24 -> Countdown 18
Blindness Two Multi 2; Min 4 | Min 4 N/A Add an effect to the Vital Strike, the Target must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw or be Blinded until the end of your next Turn. Effect: The target has disadvantage on the Saving Throw.
Coat One Odd; Even. None On an Odd convert Vital Strike’s damage type to Poison. On an Even convert Vital Strike’s damage type to Acid. Effect: Additionally, add 6 Damage to Vital Strike.
Confusion Two Multi 2; Min 5 | Min 5 N/A Add an effect to the Vital Strike, the Target must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw or gain the Dazed Conditions until the end of their next Turn. Slots: Multi 2; Min 5 | Min 5 -> Multi 2; Min 2 | Min 2
Hack One Min 3 None Split a die in three. Effect: Additionally, Returns.
Twin Snake Two Multi 2; Min 3 | Min 3 None The next Gambit Effect occurs an additional time. Slots: Multi 2; Min 3 | Min 3 -> Min 3

Fatal Gambits #

These Gambits are available with the 16th Level “Fatal Strikes” Rogue Feature. #

Name Size Slots Repeats Effect Upgrade
Flourish Two Countdown 12 None Roll two sixes Size: Two -> One
Four Handled Saber Two Multi 4 None Add Damage to your Vital Strike this turn equal to the total dice values used. Effect: Add an additional 4 Damage to Vital Strike
Grand Finale Two Countdown 40 None Add 30 Damage to your Vital Strike this turn. Slots: Countdown 40 -> Countdown 34
Knack Two Requires 6 None All Gambits except this one gain 1 repeat this turn. Size: Two -> One
Lady Luck One Max 4 None Add Damage to your Vital Strike equal ■, if even then roll a new die. Slots: Max 4 -> Max 2
Ouroboros Two Multi 2; Doubles | Doubles None Reduce the countdowns on all Gambits by the dice values used. Repeats: None -> One
Shred Two Multi 2; Requires 6 | Requires 6 None Return 12 ones. Size: Two -> One
Sacred Treasure of the Four Devas Four Multi 4; Lock 3 N/A Lock 3: Leo. A Blue mote appears behind you. Set Slots to Multi 4; Lock 4.
Lock 4: Geh. A Gold mote appears behind you. Set Slots to Multi 4; Lock 5.
Lock 5: Vik. A Pink mote appears behind you. Set Slots to Multi 4; Lock 6.
Lock 6: Cel. A Black mote appears behind you. This Gambit transforms into your choice of “Blue Fall”, “Gold Slash”, “Pale Link”, or “Black Seal”. You can make these Gambits occur only once per round and they do not benefit from repeats. At the end of combat your chosen Gambit transforms back into “Sacred Treasure of the Four Deaths”.
Slots: All Locks reduced by 1 (i.e. Lock 3 -> Lock 2, etc)
Blue Fall Four Any N/A Choose a point you can see within 120 feet, Creatures within a 60 foot radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 6d12 Force Damage or half as much on a successful save. Objects within the radius automatically fail the Saving Throw. N/A
Gold Slash Four Any N/A Six massive claws of golden light appear behind you, choose up to six Creatures you can see within 120 feet, each Creature takes 8d12 Radiant Damage. N/A
Pale Link Four Any N/A Chains of psionic energy shoot towards a Creature of your choice that you can see within a 60 foot range. Additional chains then shoot from that target to other targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first target. A last wave of chains then shoot from secondary targets to other targets, each of which must be within 15 feet of the second target. A Creature can be targeted by only one of the chains. A target must make an Intelligence saving throw. The target takes 10d12 Psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. N/A
Black Seal Four Any N/A A massive circle of arcane glyphs, runes, and symbols appears beneath your feet before a 60 foot radius cylinder then springs from the seal, all Creatures of your choice within the area take 12d12 Necrotic Damage. N/A

Scoundrel Gambits #

Granted by your Scoundrel Specializations feature. “Source” indicates the Specialization & Tier required for the Gambit to be available. #

Name Size Slots Source Repeats Effect Upgrade
Harrowed Chains 2 Multi 2; Requires 6 | Requires 6 Deadeye - Gifted N/A If your target is affected by your Reaper’s Mark then the target gains the Restrained condition for 2 rounds. The target can make a Constitution Saving Throw at the end of its turns, banishing the chains on a success. Effect: Duration increased to 1 minute.
Lift & Toss 1 Countdown 12 Daredevil - Gifted N/A The target Creature must make a Strength Saving Throw or be lifted into the air up to 30 feet until the end of your next turn, the target can be a maximum of 500 pounds. While Airborne in this way the target cannot move unless it has a hover or fly speed it is already using and it had disadvantage on Attacks, Ability Checks, and Saving Throws. Effect: Target has disadvantage on the Save.
Meld 2 Multi 2; Requires 6 | Requires 6 Shadowcrawler - Gifted N/A Shadows meld with your form causing enemy attacks to be made at disadvantage. If you are hit by an attack, this effect is disrupted until the start of your next turn. This effect ends after 1 minute, if you are incapacitated, or if you have a speed of 0. Size: Two -> One
Press the Advantage 1 Requires 6 Duelist - Gifted N/A Your target can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn. Slots: Requires 6 -> Odd
Todo list:
	Add Scoundrel Specialization sourced Gambits
	Add more Gambits